Royal opera house nutcracker
Royal opera house nutcracker

royal opera house nutcracker

This is a sumptuous and beautiful production of a much beloved ballet, which stays in the consciousness long after the venue is behind you. It is a different genre, of course, and takes some adjustment on the part of the seasoned theatre goer, and I come down squarely on the side of live theatre, but film does nevertheless have its advantages and is a wonderful way of reaching a wider audience. On film you see the same, but also close-ups of parts of the action, which is sometimes wonderfully intimate, but occasionally intrusive, so that the thread of the action is temporarily lost. Whilst watching a production in theatre you see the whole panorama of the scene enacted before you. At one point my partner and I were so uplifted by one scene that we automatically began to applaud, but felt a wave of disapproval from other patrons a very surreal sensation indeed. To hear the loud and appreciative applause of the audience in the theatre and the strange silence from the audience in the cinema is somewhat unsettling. It is as near perfect as any ballet you will ever see, but there is a sharp and very noticeable difference between watching a live show in a theatre and seeing the same thing being streamed on a cinema screen. I could go on, and I probably will go on, about the glory of this production.

Royal opera house nutcracker